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Agreement with Lyon (France)


Lyon and Torino, given the extremely rich network of cooperation which involves different actors on their respective territories, signed along the years several agreements. In 1991 a firs bilateral cooperation agreement was signed, concerning culture, university, urban planning, economy, transports. Then the cooperation continued through the project Alpine Diamond, aiming at developing initiatives among Lyon, Torino and Genoa. In 2004 an economic cooperation agreement was signed instead among Barcelona/Lyon/Torino and several thematic meetings followed. More recently, in 2007 a cultural cooperation agreement was signed for supporting Lyon in its candidature as European Capital of Culture 2013.
In 2011 a large economic-cultural delegation of Lyon, led by the Mayor Gérard Collomb, came to Torino. On that occasion the Mayor Fassino and the Mayor Collomb established to revive the cooperation between the two cities signing a new agreement. In 2011 and 2012 the Deputy Mayor in charge of Culture of Lyon Georges Képénékian and the Deputy Mayor Braccialarghe met in Lyon (October) and in Torino (February) to boost cultural relations. The mission of the Mayor Fassino and the Deputy Mayor Braccialarghe on May 2012 has been the occasion to concretize such a path and a new Cooperation Agreement has been signed focusing on: "smart cities" strategies, urban transformation and regeneration, culture, communication and tourist promotion, gastronomy, education, health care and social policies, economic development.





Text written by The International Affairs Service. For more information