Torino Musei

Comune di Torino > Arte e Cultura > TorinoMusei > Museo Civico d'Arte Antica

Museo Civico d'Arte Antica

Museo Civico d'Arte AnticaView on map

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The Museum collections contain over 70,000 works dating from mediaeval to Baroque times. 3800 works are on display.
Paintings, sculptures, illuminated manuscripts, majolica and porcelain, metalwork, furniture and fabrics illustrate the wealth and complexity of ten centuries of art in Italy and Europe. They are now on show in a new display and chronological order that illustrates the great periods in the history of the building.

Museo Civico d'Arte Antica is part of “Art and cultural routes”:
Orange route
Piazza Castello. The ancient heart of the City



Infopiemonte - Torinocultura - Via Garibaldi angolo Piazza Castello
Everyday from 10.00 AM to 7.00 PM (sales and reservations close at 6.00 PM)
Toll-free number: 800.329.329 (everyday from 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM)
Please take the time to verify informations on dates and times in the museum's website.
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