Agnes Eperjesi

Magyaroszag / Ungheria / Hungary

Fotografia / Photography


Fin dal 1989, quando il sistema politico č cambiato in Ungheria, ho cominciato a raccogliere sistematicamente immagini e lavori di grafica stampati su plastica come le confezioni commerciali, le borse di plastica e gli involucri. A quell’epoca si trovavano ancora i vecchi modelli oltre alla nuova grafica sofisticata. Cosě la mia collezione č rilevante non solo come archivio, ma anche come registro culturale-storico, nel senso che rispecchia l’intero cambiamento visivo-culturale che accompagna i cambiamenti politici. Uso queste immagini stampate su plastica come negativi fotografici, pertanto il mio criterio principale č che devono essere adatti a questo processo.
č nata nel 1964. LAVORI IN collezioni. Foudation for Modern Art, Dunaújváros, Hungary; Museo Szent István, Székesfehérvár, Ungheria; Goethe Institut, Budapest; Obala Centre of Art, Sarajevo; Austrian Cultural Institute, Budapest; Photomuseum, Kecskemét, Ungheria; National Gallery, Budapest; Philadelphia Museum of Art; Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, Japan. Mostre PERSONALI. 1999: Palais Jalta, Francoforte; "Fruitful Fruits", Galleria Abraham Lubelski, New York. 1998: "Still life", Bolt Gallery, Budapest; Galleria Studio, Budapest. Premi. 1995: Budapest City Council. 1991: Ministero della Cultura (con Tibor Várnagy).

Since 1989 when the political system changed in Hungary I have been systematically collecting images and graphics printed on plastic such as commercial packaging, plastic bags and wrappers. The old fashioned designs were still available at that time, along with the cool, streamlined new graphics. So my collection is not only relevant as an archive but as a cultural/historical record in the sense that it mirrors the entire visual-cultural shift that accompanied the political changes. I use these images printed on plastic as photo negatives, therefore my main criteria is that they have to be suitable for this process.
Born in 1964. WORKS IN COLLECTIONS. Foundation for Modern Art, Dunaújváros, Hungary; Szent István Museum, Székesfehérvár, Hungary; Goethe Institut, Budapest; Obala Centre of Art, Sarajevo; Austrian Cultural Institute, Budapest; Photomuseum, Kecskemét, Hungary; National Gallery, Budapest; Philadelphia Museum of Art; Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, Japan. Solo exhibitions. 1999: Palais Jalta, Frankfurt; "Fruitful Fruits", Abraham Lubelski Gallery, New York. 1998: "Still life", Bolt Gallery, Budapest; Studio Gallery, Budapest. AWARDS. 1995: Budapest City Council. 1991: Ministry of Culture (with Tibor Várnagy).