Simona Denicolai, Ivo Provoost

Italia / Italy / Belgique / Belgie / Belgio / Belgium

Arti Visive/ Visual Arts


Simona Denicolai è nata nel 1972, Ivo Provoost nel 1974. mostre. 1999: Inaugurazione della sala polivalente Bianca, 2ª Biennale dArte Contemporanea, Flying Cow project, gallerista Paolo Boselli; Logos , intervento nello spazio pubblico ed edizione, su richiesta di Sophie Legrandjaques, Saint-Nazare, Francia. 1998: Botta e risposta , intervento sonoro, bxl mini fm, organizzata da Jean-Paul Jaquet, Palais des Beaux Arts, Bruxelles. 1997: Extallation in Franks house , Dwellinghouse di L.H. De Konink, Bruxelles. 1996: Jetlag , esposizione collettiva, Lisbona. pubblicazioni. 1999: All information correct at time of printing , Michel Baverey editore, Nantes, 1998.

N.E.P.'S. Les échanges ratés entre le monde de l'art e le monde extérieur à l'art. UMFblyzing is good for you SPEND THE NIGHT IN UMFblyzer HALTING-PLACE. GOOOOODMORNINGTO-FUCKING-RINO = WAKE UP IN YOUR PRIVATE PUBLIC SPACE I YOU3VE BEEN DRINKING TO MUCH AGAIN AND LOOK AT THE VISITORS AROUND YOUR STINKING BED SOMEONE3S COMPARING YOU WITH A PAUL Mc CARTHY & JASON RHOADES COLLABORATION WE3LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THIS. Serbia SKI $ Very cheap skiing holiday in Serbia $ In una cornice autentica e selvaggia ricca della storia degli uomini.******AND HALF STAR HOTEL NOW******& italia vostra.
Simona Denicolai was born in 1972, Ivo Provoost in 1974. Exhibitions. 1999 : "Inauguration of the White hall, at the Second Biennial of Contemporary Art" - the Flying Cow project, gallery manager Paolo Boselli; "Logos", participation in the public space, on the request of Sophie Legrandjacques, Saint-Nazaire , France. 1998: "Cut and Thrust", audio participation, in the context of bxl mini fm, organised by Jean-Paul Jaquet, Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels. 1997: "Extallation in Franks house", Dwellinghouse of L.H. De Konink, Brussels. 1996 : "Jetlag", collective show, Lisbon. Publications. 1999 : "All information correct at time of printing", Michel Bavere, Nantes 1998.