
Collaborative Tools for Cities in Urban Regeneration

The CO4CITIES transfer network, financed within the framework of the UIA-URBACT transfer mechanism aims at adapting and transferring the methodological structure of the UIA CO-CITY project in three other European cities: Budapest (Hungary), Gdansk (Poland) and Cluj-Napoca (Romania).

The features to be transferred are:

  • the Regulation on collaboration between citizens’ organizations and the Municipality in the co-management of urban commons;
  • the Pact of collaboration, a legal tool providing for a change of attitude in the public/communities relationship;
  • the role of community hubs and of neighbourhood houses in the process of community empowerment and in the path of building a new collaborative approach between the citizens and the public administration.

European partners

Municipality of Torino – Lead Partner (IT), Municipality of Gdansk (PL), Municipality of Cluj-Napoca (ROM), Municipality of Budapest (HUN).

The project in Torino

As part of the CO4CITIES transfer network, the City of Torino will be able to improve a future development study for the CO-CITY project, called “Springboard plan” and focussing on:

  • the economic and financial sustainability of the activities within the framework of the Pacts of collaboration (via fundraising and proactive participation to public calls for project);
  • the enhancement of the quality of online communication tools (website and social networks) introducing new user friendly and accessible interface, providing room for shared storytelling and remote collaborative networking;
  • the strengthening of shared communication and co-design in order to generate a more diverse, creative and insightful relations between the citizens and the public administration in the care and regeneration of urban commons.

Pratical steps

The project started in March 2021 and will end in September 2022.

The main actions are organized around 4 work packages (Wp):

  • WP1- project management and coordination: project management team and work organization between partners;
  • WP2 – transnational exchanges and learning activities: organization of 5 transnational seminars in each partner city for the exchange of experiences, identification of good practices, mutual learning;
  • WP3 – local governance and urban policies: construction and coordination of URBACT Local Groups (ULG), capacity building and dissemination actions for the components of the ULG;
  • WP4 – communication and dissemination: production of content for the project section on the URBACT website, production of information material (also in local language), organization of project events, participation in external events for the promotion of the project.

The numbers

  • Total budget of the project: € 490.440,00;
  • City of Torino budget: € 206.360,00 (ERDF 70% financing: € 144.452,00; public co-financing: € 61.908,00)
  • 4 partners
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